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                                    The Image Of The Demiurgic God Above The Heaven.

                                          BROUGHT TO YOU BY COSMIC THINKERS



Our Star God The Great Light


The Infinite Cosmic Light, the SELF_POWER that CAUSES TO BECOME, is called A SupraCosmic GOD the MONARCH of our Celestial ABODE.

Pray you this prayer for attaining of wisdom. Pray for the coming of Light to the ALL. "Mighty Spirit of Light that shines through the Cosmos, draw my flame closer in harmony to You. Lift up my fire from out of the darkness, magnet of fire that is One with the ALL. Lift up my soul, though mighty and potent. Child of the Light, turn not away. Draw me in power to melt in your furnace; One with all things and all things in One, fire of the life-strain and One with the Brain."

This is the brain, Mighty Spirit of Light that shines through the Cosmos.

Be glad you Heavens and those that live in them because your Creator is the Mighty Spirit Of Light.
Listen, O man. Take of my wisdom. Learn of the deep hidden mysteries of space.
Thought that grew in the abyss, bringing Order and Harmony in space.
This is our Creator and Father. He is not Allah or Jehovah/Yahweh or any other god.
He is the one that causes to become and maintains life in the whole Galaxy.


A long time ago in a for off land lived a man that deveoloped a Philosophy that was a study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. That Philosophy became the root of all religions and mankind still use it today.

Many however, became confused and invented a many COUNTERFIT LOOK-A-LIKE religions and have fooled the masses of humanity for well over 2000 years. In ages past they worshiped flesh and blood gods that walked this earth and still do so to this day. Little do they know, because of their ignorance, those gods either died or left the Earth and went back to where they came from. The writings tells us some went back to heaven and some died, here is what they say:

I the lady Adda-guppi’, mother. of Nabium-na’id, king of Babylon, votaress of the gods Sin, Nin-gal, Nusku, and Sadarnunna, my deities. who, from my childhood, have sought after. their godheads. Whereas in the i6th year of Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, Sin, king of the gods, with his city. and his temple was angry and went up to heaven-the city and the people that (were) in it went to ruin.

She was the Queen of Harran and mother of Nabium-na’id who was installed as king by the Sumerian GOD Nannar to rule Babylon. If you studyed Babylon you well know that it was the Themple City of the GOD Marduk. What people dont know is that Marduk was a very busy GOD. The Greek writings tell us He as Zues went around the World starting Colonies. Here is what some of those writings say:

But to the others father Zeus the son of Cronos gave a living and an abode apart from men, and made them dwell at the ends of earth. And they live untouched by sorrow in the islands of the blessed along the shore of deep swirling Ocean, happy heroes for whom the grain-giving earth bears honey-sweet fruit flourishing thrice a year, far from the deathless gods, and Cronos rules over them ; for the father of men and gods released him from his bonds.

And again far-seeing Zeus made yet another generation, the fifth, of men who are upon the bounteous earth.
Work the work which the gods ordained for men, lest in bitter anguish of spirit you with your wife and children seek your livelihood amongst your neighbours, and they do not heed you.

Pay close attention to this last part: Atlas, who wears on back of bronze the ancient Abode of the gods in heaven, had a daughter Whose name was Maia, born of a goddess: She lay with Zeus, and bore me, Hermes, Servant of the immortals.

Hermes is the guy that had the Philosophy of the Immortals that was taught to him by his Grand Father Enki and his father Marduk / Zues /Ra. Where did they get that Philosophy we dont know but there are writings that show who was the first King in Heaven and his name was Aluluas the father of Anu .
Anu took control of Heaven and chased his father to Earth where Aluluas became Anshar or Ashar of Assyria.

We also feel he was one of the gods of Cannan as El, that had 70 children and was known as the Father of the gods. The Hittite Writeings speak well of him as Ruler of the gods on Earth.

They say this: Formerly, in former years, Alalu was king in Heaven. Alalu was sitting on the throne, And mighty Anu , the first of the gods, stood before him.  He bowed down to his feet and put the drinking cups into his hand. For nine "counted' years Alalu was king in Heaven.

In the ninth year Anu gave battle against Alalu. He defeated Alalu and he (Alalu) fled before him And he went down to the Dark Earth.  Down to the Dark Earth  Alalu  went, but on the throne Anu sat. Anu was sitting on his throne, and mighty Kumarbi gave him to drink: He bowed down to his feet and put the drinking  cups into his hand. For nine "counted' years Anu was king in Heaven.

So down to Earth came Aluluas and probley was the first god on this planet. Did they know what was down here that he came without doubt? In my mind he was the first one to start a colony on earth.
But to assure you that they knew well ahead of this time what was here on Earth. Notice what the Emerald Tablets of Thoth said:  

Far in a past time, lost in the space-time, the Children of Light looked down on the world. See the children of men in their bondage, bound by the force that came from beyond. Knew they that only by freedom from bondage could man ever rise from the Earth to the Sun. Down they descended and created bodies, taking the semblance of men as their own. The masters of everything said after their forming: "We are they who were formed from the space-dust, partaking of life from the infinite ALL; living in the world as children of men, like and yet unlike the children of men."

Far from the future, formless yet forming, came they as teachers for the children of men. Live they forever, yet not of the living, bound not to life and yet free from death. Rule they forever with infinite wisdom, bound yet not bound to the dark Halls of Death. Life they have in them, yet life that is not life, free from all are the Lords of the ALL.

Did you notice, came they as teachers for the children of men?
Just who was these children of men?
Thoth /Hermes informs us just who they were, He said: Far in the past, when first I came to you, found I you in caves of rocks. Lifted I you by my power and wisdom until you did shine as men among men. Yes, found I you without any knowing. Only a little were you raised beyond beasts. Fanned I ever the spark of your consciousness until at last you flamed as men.

Now shall I speak to your knowledge ancient beyond the thought of your race. Know you that we of the Great Race had and have knowledge that is more than man's. Wisdom we gained from the star-born races, wisdom and knowledge far beyond man's. Down to us had descended the masters of wisdom as far beyond us as I am from thee. Listen you now while I give you wisdom. Use it and free you shall be.

What he said there reminds me of what the Sumerian writings say about the Native they found in their land, notice: The MAR.TU who know no grain... The MAR.TU who know no house nor town, the boors of the mountains... The MAR.TU who digs up truffles... who does not bend his knees (to cultivate the land), who eats raw meat, who has no house during his lifetime, who is not buried after death...They have prepared wheat and gú-nunuz (grain) as a confection, but an Amorite will eat it without even recognizing what it contains!

Martu in her eyes as a crude barbarian: "Uncooked meat he eats, During his life he has no house, When he dies he lies unburied

Then again the writings say: There was no muš grain of thirty days; there was no muš grain of forty days; there was no muš grain of fifty days; there was no small grain, grain from the mountains or grain from the holy habitations. There was no cloth to wear; Uttu had not been born -- no royal turban was worn; Lord Nigir-si, the precious lord, had not been born; Šakkan (the god of wild animals) had not gone out into the barren lands. The people of those days did not know about eating bread. They did not know about wearing clothes; they went about with naked limbs in the Land. Like sheep they ate grass with their mouths and drank water from the ditches.

So the Natives of the land was here when they got here and it was he that the came to teach.
But what did that Native have to learn?
Was it that important that they would imbark on a mission to Earth to teach that man?

Open your minds now to learn just how important the KNOWLEDGE of this Great Secret Wisdom was for Natives of the earth, what was this Great Philosophy that would stir the hearts and minds of the children of men?  

Have a look: Before the Lords of hidden Amenti learned I the wisdom I give unto men. Masters are they of the great Secret Wisdom, brought from the future of infinity's end. Seven are they, the Lords of Amenti, overlords they of the Children of Morning, Suns of the Cycles, Masters of Wisdom. Formed are not they as the children of men? Three, Four, Five and Six, Seven, Eight, Nine are the titles of the Masters of men.

As you can see, this Great Secret Wisdom, of the Atlantians was vital to the hearts and minds of men.
So let us have a look at that Philosophy of this Great Secret Wisdom to see if it applies to us today.


He said this: Listen, O man. Take of my wisdom. Learn of the deep hidden mysteries of space. Thought that grew in the abyss, bringing Order and Harmony in space.


What does he want to teach us about space?

Notice from the writeings of Thoth / Hermes:  In this way everything is created. The Sun bestows on the immortals their everlasting life and he nourishes the eternal regions of the cosmos with the ascending light sent forth from the side that faces heaven; with the descending light that illumines the entire hollow realm of water, earth and air, he enlivens and sets in motion birth and death.

The creatures in this region-of the cosmos He remakes and reshapes in a cyclical movement, exchanging one for another, kind for kind, form for form. In so creating he acts just as he does with the celestial bodies. Change is constant for all bodies: for immortals without dissolution, for mortals with dissolution. Thus the immortal differs from the mortal and the mortal from the immortal.

Wherefore the Father of all is God, the Creator is the Sun, and the Cosmos is the instrument of his creative power. His spiritual substance governs the heavens, the heavens govern the gods, and the powers, which are appointed by the gods, govern men. This is the host of gods and powers.

Through these instruments God by Himself creates all this, and all things partake of God; since this is so, they are God. Therefore in creating all things, he creates Himself; and He can never cease to create, for He Himself never ceases to be. As God has no end, so His handiwork has neither beginning nor end.

As you learn of these writeings it is you that has to decide just how important they are today.
Donot miss the MARK this is REALITY and the things Thoth talked about may not be accepted by you but for sure they are real and truthful.

Lets go further in the Hermetic writings in the Corpus Hermeticum - Book 3

"The Holy Sermon"

1. The glory of all things, God and that which is Divine, and the Divine Nature, the beginning of things that are.

2. God, and the Mind, and Nature, and Matter, and Operation, or Working and Necessity, and the End and Renovation.

3. For there were in the Chaos, an infinite darkness in the Abyss or bottomless Depth, and Water, and a subtle Spirit intelligible in Power; and there went out the Holy Light, and the Elements were coagulated from the Sand out of the moist Substance.

4. And all the Gods distinguished the Nature full of Seeds.

5. And when all things were interminated and unmade up, the light things were divided on high. And the heavy things were founded upon the moist sand, all things being Terminated or Divided by Fire; and being sustained or hung up by the Spirit they were so carried, and the Heaven was seen in Seven Circles.

6. And the Gods were seen in their Ideas of the Stars, with all their Signs, and the Stars were numbered, with the Gods in them. And the Sphere was all lined with Air, carried about in a circular, motion by the Spirit of God.

7. And every God by his internal power, did that which was commanded him; and there were made four footed things, and creeping things, and such as live in the Water, and such as fly, and every fruitful Seed, and Grass, and the Flowers of all Greens, and which had sowed in themselves the Seeds of Regeneration.

8. As also the Generations of men to the knowledge of the Divine Works, and a lively or working Testimony of Nature, and a multitude of men, and the Dominion of all things under Heaven and the knowledge of good things, and to be increased in increasing, and multiplied in multitude.

9. And every Soul in flesh, by the wonderful working of the Gods in the Circles, to the beholding of Heaven, the Gods, Divine Works, and the Operations of Nature; and for Signs of good things, and the knowledge of the Divine Power, and to find out every cunning workmanship of good things.

10.So it beginneth to live in them, and to be wise according to the Operation of the course of the circular Gods; and to be resolved into that which shall be great Monuments; and Remembrances of the cunning Works done upon Earth, leaving them to be read by the darkness of times.

11. And every generation of living flesh, of Fruit, Seed, and all Handicrafts, though they be lost, must of necessity be renewed by the renovation of the Gods, and of the Nature of a Circle, moving in number; for it is a Divine thing, that every world temperature should be renewed by nature, for in that which is Divine, is Nature also established.

Writings found here:

Did you understand what you just read? He just taught you about the Creation account and who were our GODS.

Remember this?

Wherefore the Father of all is God, the Creator is the Sun, and the Cosmos is the instrument of his creative power. His spiritual substance governs the heavens, the heavens govern the gods, and the powers, which are appointed by the gods, govern men. This is the host of gods and powers.


Well to answer that, look again, he said, the Cosmos is the instrument of his creative power, His spiritual substance governs the heavens.

That means our Creator has our Cosmos, our Galaxy in control and He uses the Cosmos is the instrument of his creative power. So just what does he create first in the Galaxy?

He said,  the Creator is the Sun.
So think, use your mind and see the LIGHT!


Truth is reality no matter what time in History we are in.
Therefore it is reality you will learn and not some religious lie.

We are now more advanced then ever before and we have instruments that we can see into our Cosmos
even to the point we can see who created all the stars.
Lets have a look:

What you just looked at is the BIRTH CHAMBER where Stars are born. Stars are Images of our Creator that sits right in the Center of our Cosmos.
This is reality folks and no one can change that, and it will be here for ever.

Look at this Galaxy, what do you see:

No doubt in my mind ours looks like that also.
This is the GREAT LIGHT of Egypt.

Thoth said this: "Hear and understand. The flame is the source of all things, containing all things in potentiality. The Order that sent forth light is the Word and from the Word comes Life and the existence of all."
"Great Light that fills all the Cosmos, flow though fully to man. Make of his body a light-torch that shall never be quenched among men."

That is why he said this: "Behold the Glory of the first Cause." I beheld that Light, high above all darkness, reflected in my own being. I attained, as it were, to the God of all Gods, the Spirit-Sun, the Sovereign of the Sun spheres. He is the Intellectual-Principle the Supreme Intelligence. And it says: "There is one, even the First, who hath no beginning, who hath no end; who hath made all things, who govern all, who is good, who is just, who illumines, who sustains." Now unto you I give of this wisdom, drawn from the flame of Infinity's fire.

Open the door to the Kingdom of Light peoples of the Earth. This is our SupraCosmic Creator the Highest and SuperCelestial One who dwells in the Heaven of heavens.

This is not the Hebrew god or any other god like Jehovah / Yehweh or Allah or even Jesus.
No this Father is the one responsible for everything in our Galaxy and you cant get away from that.
He is the ONE that made all the stars in our Cosmos and he gave the power to the Cosmos to Create Stars so that they would creat Planets and life would be spread to all planets that could support life and thats how we got here.

Thoth called Galaxies, SupraCosmic GODS and its in those SupraCosmic GODS that we see when we look in all the universe. No matter where we look we see those SupraCosmic GODS and no doubt they have the seed of life in all of them.

These are UNIVERSAL GODS and thats all we know.
Some think that there is a INVISIBLE DIVINE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE but they cant prove it.
Therefore we have to ask if there is no INVISIBLE DIVINE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE how did the first galaxy start?  Well we cant answer that, but, there are some smart people that I know of may have the answer.

Look here:

Wow, did you understand what Wal Thornhill was teaching us?
The ThunderBolts Team is a group of people that is tuned to the Cosmic and have Cosmic Minds.
They remind me of something Thoth said: Listen, O man. Take of my wisdom. Learn of the deep hidden mysteries of space. Thought that grew in the abyss, bringing Order and Harmony in space.Blend though your Soul in the Great Essence, One, with the Great Light let your consciousness be.

Peoples minds are more open to the Cosmic then there ever was.
Feast your eyes on this:

Now learn this we have found new planets that look like they could support life, like this one:

Wake up peoples of the earth, its time to fly, and high must we fly to lands beyond our own imagnation.

Whats taking place now was told a long time ago, notice:  Yes, the children of men shall progress onward and upward to the great goal. Children of Light shall they become. Flame of the flame shall their Souls ever be. Knowledge and wisdom shall be man's in the great age for he shall approach the eternal flame, the Source of all wisdom, the place of beginning, that is yet One with the end of all things. Yes, in a time that is yet unborn, all shall be One and One shall be All. Man, a perfect flame of this Cosmos, shall move forward to a place in the stars. Yes, shall move even from out of this space-time into another beyond the stars.

How long will it take?
As long it takes for us to develope Super Engines to fly to the stars.
But one thing for sure, we are in the process of learning, but our minds are in the Cosmic.
Once we figure whats holding us back, we will progress at a faster rate that will shock us.

We have done this, approach the eternal flame, the Source of all wisdom, the place of beginning.
And its right before our eyes, this is what they see:

Thats why he said this: Listen, O man. Take of my wisdom. Learn of the deep hidden mysteries of space. Thought that grew in the abyss, bringing Order and Harmony in space.
This is the Mysteries:

This is the Source of all wisdom, the place of beginning.
Thats why he says this : Listen you, O man, and listen to my Voice. Open your mind-space and drink of my wisdom. Dark is the pathway of Life that you travel. Many the pitfalls that lie in your way. Seek you ever to gain greater wisdom. Attain and it shall be light on your way.

Open your Soul, O man, to the Cosmic and let it flow in as one with your Soul. Light is eternal and darkness is fleeting. Seek you ever, O man, for the Light. Know you that ever as Light fills your being, darkness for you shall soon disappear.

Open your soul to the Brothers of Brightness. Let them enter and fill you with Light. Lift up your eyes to the Light of the Cosmos. Keep thou ever your face to the goal. Only by gaining the light of all wisdom, are you one with the Infinite goal. Seek you ever the Oneness eternal. Seek you ever the Light of your goal.

Who are the Brothers of Brightness?
Well one clue for sure would be that they have their minds on the Cosmic.
They will not lie to you with big bang storied that dont make sense.
They will be the ones that know there is no black hole in the center of our Galaxy sucking everything in.
They will understand that the FATHER of STARS is Dwelling right in the Center and he is a SupraCosmic GOD and that He is responsible for everything in the Galaxy.

All the stars we see in our Galaxy is the Image of the Father who is our Creator.
It is He that made sure life was given to us through the process we know as child bearing.
I know this knowledge is probley going against the grain of what you been taught.
But know this, this Super Knowledge is whats going to consume all religions on this earth.

It is this LIGHT that has set the great woolands of the Earth ablase and will consume everyone no matter where you live or who you are.

This is the AGE where this Celestial Intelligence is being displayed.  It's the Intellectual-Principle the Supreme Intelligence of our Cosmic Father and it is his will that you partake in The Glorification Of The Supreme Monarch and its is now.

Hard is the pathway that leads to the Wisdom, hard is the pathway that leads to the Light. Many  shall you find, the stones in your pathway; many the mountains to climb toward the Light. Yet  know you, O man, to him that overcomes, free will he be of the pathway of Light. Follow you not  the Dark Brothers ever. Always be you a child of the Light.

For know you, O man, in the end Light must conquer and darkness and night be banished from Light. Listen, O man, and heed you this wisdom; even as darkness, so is the Light. When darkness is banished and all Veils are rendered, out there shall flash from the darkness, the Light.

When you have freed your soul from its bondage, know that for you the darkness is gone. Ever  through space you may seek wisdom, bound not by fetters forged in flesh.

Onward and upward into the morning, free flash, O Soul, to the realms of Light. Move though in Order, move though in Harmony, freely shall move with the Children of Light.


Seek you and know you, my Key of Wisdom. Thus, O man, you shall surely be FREE


Light, let your Soul be, O Sun-Born, filled with glory of Light, freed from the bonds of darkness, a Soul that is One with the Light.




Listen and hear it, go forth and apply it, thus will you travel the way that I go. Mystery in Mystery, yet clear to the Light-born, the Secret of all I now will reveal. I will declare a secret to the initiated, but let the door be wholly shut against the profane.


Three is the mystery, come from the great one. Hear, and Light on you will dawn. In the primeval, dwell three unities. Other than these, none can exist. These are the equilibrium, source of creation: one God, one Truth, one point of freedom.


Three come forth from the three of the balance: all life, all good, all power.


Three are the qualities of God in his Light-home: Infinite power, Infinite Wisdom, Infinite Love.


Three are the powers given to the Masters: To transmute evil, assist good, use discrimination.


Three are the things inevitable for God to perform: Manifest power, wisdom and love.


Three are the powers creating all things: Divine Love possessed of perfect knowledge, Divine Wisdom knowing all possible means, Divine Power possessed by the joint will of Divine Love and Wisdom.


Three are the circles of existence: The circle of Light where dwells nothing but God, and only God can traverse it; the circle of Chaos where all things by nature arise from death; the Circle of awareness where all things spring from life.


All things animate are of three states of existence: chaos or death, liberty in humanity and felicity of Heaven.


Three necessities control all things: beginning in the Great Deep, the circle of chaos, plenitude in Heaven.


Three are the paths of the Soul: Man, Liberty, Light.

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